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Describe a way to relax that you find effective, cue card

Sample Answer :
I really like taking short breaks while I am working. So, after having worked for almost like an hour, I would go out of my seat and walk a little bit here and there, drink water and just completely close my eyes for some time and be proud of myself for the work that I have done for an hour.
I do it almost for everything. So, it could be while I am playing or working or for that matter while I am studying. It is very important for me because I believe that having a ten minutes break in every hour, not only allows me to push myself harder, it also helps me not to get drained by the kind of work that I do.
I am a software engineer and doing the relaxing thing makes me more committed and focused towards the work. Although, people go out and relax with their friends, I prefer doing this activity alone, so I have no one to talk to and can completely feel good about peace and silence and just go back to work with new mind.
The reason it works for me is because, I am not that sort of a person who can work a lot. But, then I have got dreams which I need to get fulfilled. This every hour break makes me feel as if I am having my quality time and I am able to relax a bit here and there. This allows me not to be exhausted or over whelmed by the work that I do.

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