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IELTS Writing | 15 useful collocations , feutures, writing task 1

1. To play/have a(n) important/key/vital/crucial role in (doing) sth:
Ex: My grandparents played an important role in growing me up.

  1. To make significant/substantial/valuable/great/outstanding contrubution to sth…
Ex: Technology breakthroughs have made outstanding contribution to the development of education.
  1. To be a key/contributing factor influencing sth..
Ex: Price is a key factor influencing customers’ decision of buying goods.
  1. To gain/derive benefit (from sth)
Ex: Both schools and learners gain much from the process of applying technological advances in class
  1. To have a right to do sth/ to be entitled to do sth:
Ex: Every woman has a right to go to work like men.
  1. To benefit greatly/enormously/considerably…from sth:
Ex: The success of a film obviously benefits enormously from a huge budget spending on it.
  1. To have/enjoy/achieve a huge/great success in doing sth
Ex: No only men but women also have achieved great successes in working nowadays.
  1. To meet the need of/demand for sth
Ex: A lot of manufactoring companies have been trying to make products that can meet the demand of people.
  1. To fulfil a requirement/condition/obligation: 
  2. To have/gain knowledge/understanding of dth…
Ex: Local people have been trying to gain knowledge of foreign languages to improve communication skills to foreign tourists.
11. To undergo a dramatic change in sth…
Ex: Human being have undergone dramatic changes in science and technology.
12. To narrow/widen the gap between… and……
Ex: That widens the gao between the rich and the poor.
13. To stimulate/promote the development of sth
Ex: Modern technology can stimulate the development of a variety of things, especially education.
14. To be exposed to do sth:
Ex: It is advised that children be let to be exposed to more extra-curriculum activities rather than staying at home and spending all days watching TV or playing alone.
15. To have/exert an effect/impact/influence on sth…

Ex: Cigarette smoke definitely has an extremely bad impact on smokers themselves and the people around them.

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