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SPEAKING PART 2 | Describe a tourist attraction that you have visited

I’m going to tell you are The Backs in Cambridge – Cambridge University is of course one of the most famous universities in the world – certainly living in Cambridge I can tell you that the city is full of tourists the whole year round –  when you walk down the streets you are almost as likely to hear Chinese as you are English – there are that many tourists here
I suppose the biggest attraction in Cambridge for tourists are The Backs – these are the backs of some of the oldest colleges including King’s Clare and Trinity – what it is the view you see when you look over the river Cam onto the lawns, gardens and buildings of the colleges – I guess it’s become the really iconic picture of Cambridge
I actually live in Cambridge myself but I don’t go to see The Backs that often – I just tend to cycle into work and then go back home without going to see the tourist attractions – but last week my mother-in-law came to stay and we I took her around the sights and gave her a tour of the city ending with the Backs
I did this because she’s a foreigner and didn’t know her way around the city and really needed me to guide her – it helps that I speak her language because her English isn’t that fluent
Did I enjoy it? Well, I surprised myself – I thought that I may get a little bored as I know the city and The Backs so well – but as it turned out I had a really good time – it was interesting to look carefully at things I normally take for granted – my mother-in-law certainly enjoyed going to see The Backs- she now wants to come back and see more of the city


See how I carefully follow the order of the points on the cue card red = what,  blue = when, green =why and purple = if. This makes my answer much more structured than before.
Note also though that I need to add in a lot of detail to get to 2 minutes.

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